Meet the Team Series - Agnes Gunnarsdóttir

Agnes Gunnarsdóttir is our Intern here at Sóley and serves as a Content Creator, Graphic Designer and manages our social media. 

Favorite Sóley products and why?

Græðir Hand Cream is always a favorite. Birta Eye Gel is so refreshing - it hydrates the skin around the eyes. I use Varmi Shower Gel every day - I love the smell and the shower is not the same without it.

What is wellness for you?

To feel good mentally and physically - to be balanced. Engaging in activities that evolve you and surround yourself with people that help you grow.

How do you spend your weekends?

Meet up with friends, sit at cafés, take walks, and relax.

The best advice that your mom gave you?

Everyone gets different tasks and challenges in life and it is up to us how we handle them.

Do you have a morning routine?

I always start the day with a cup of coffee and then do my skin routine.

Favorite book?

I’m just finishing the book You Are A Badass: how to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life and it's really good. Both "eye-opening" and inspiring.

Environmental measures that are most important to you?

Recycling and repurposing.  

What do you love most about living in Iceland?

I currently live in Denmark, but it's always good to come home to Iceland and spend time in the beautiful and refreshing nature, the pristine Icelandic water, and to spend time with family and friends.

Favorite travel destination?

I love Italy, so much beauty to see, and delicious food, wine, and coffee.

Favorite restaurant?

My favorite restaurants here in Copenhagen are The Market Asian & Bazaar. And in Iceland, it's Sumac and The Coocoo's nest. I also love to try new places and flavors.