The importance of hand wash
Hand sanitisers and soaps are being used in abundance these days, leaving many with uncomfortably dry hands and even wounded knuckles. We have to remember that washing our hands often, with soap for 20 seconds, is the best way to keep germs away. See hand wash instructions here from WHO.
You need a soap powerful enough to clean away unwanted germs but mild enough to not dry out your skin.
For the best result we recommend Lóa handsoap and are offering 20% discount of our hand products to help heal your hands.
If your hands are already cracked and suffering, we recommend in addition these Certified Organic options:
Lóa hand cream gently moisturises while leaving hands feeling soft and loved.
Græðir hand cream with an extra boost of herbs works dry, cracked and tired hands.
Græðir healing balm is a certified organic healing balm that has proved effective on eczema, psoriasis, skin irritation, burn wounds, yeast infections, diaper rash, dry skin, puffy eyes, and minor wounds