To be grateful...
I find Thanksgiving to be a beautiful tradition, especially the idea of looking back and reviewing what we have to give thanks for.
I do have many thanks to give. My wonderful big and loud family, my home, a beautiful 115-year-old house in the oldest part of Hafnarfjörður where I live, all the great and crazy friends I have and finally my good health. As I get older, my health has become increasingly important to me. Your health can really stop you in your tracks if you don’t take care of yourself.
In October I made the decision to start training for a challenge called Landvættir (translates to Guardians of the Land). A race which you have to finish within 12 months to earn the honorable title of a Guardian.
It starts in May and every sport is in a different part of Iceland. First there is a 50 km of cross-country skiing in the Western fjords, then a 60 km mountain bike race in the Southwest (the Reykjanes peninsula) in June, a 2,5 km swim in a cold lake called Urridavatn in the East in July and in august the last race is a 33 km off road mountain run in the North of Iceland.
I have started the training and it means that I have to do some outdoor movement at least 6 days a week and my body is really feeling it, in a good way. It just means that I've been moving more than I'm used to and I'm grateful for the feeling that I have a healthy and strong body. And of course the best thing for the stiff body is a long warm bath after a scrub of Mjúk Body Scrub, which is full of Epsom salts, almond oil and frankincense essential oil and of course a lot of our wonderful herb extracts.
I saw the following shared on Facebook and thought it was quite fitting.
Be grateful for…
Early wake ups = Children to love
House to clean = Safe place to live
Laundry = Clothes to wear
Dirty dishes = Food to eat
Crumbs under the table = Family meals
Shopping to do = Money to use
Toilets to clean = Indoor pluming
Lots of noise = People in my life
Endless questions about homework = kid´s brains growing
Sore and tired to bed = I´m still alive
I am happy to say that I have all this to be grateful for.
With love